iboo-jbj2MVTime series chart of number of swaps from ALGO to top 10 ASAs
    Updated 2022-04-14
    cast(block_timestamp as DATE) as date,
    count(case when b.asset_name = 'USDC' then tx_group_id end) as swap_number_USDC,
    count(case when b.asset_name = 'Yieldly' then tx_group_id end) as swap_number_Yieldly,
    count(case when b.asset_name = 'Defly Token' then tx_group_id end) as swap_number_Defly_Token,
    count(case when b.asset_name = 'PLANET' then tx_group_id end) as swap_number_PLANET,
    count(case when b.asset_name = 'AlgoStake' then tx_group_id end) as swap_number_AlgoStake,
    count(case when b.asset_name = 'HEADLINE' then tx_group_id end) as swap_number_HEADLINE,
    count(case when b.asset_name = 'Opulous' then tx_group_id end) as swap_number_Opulous,
    count(case when b.asset_name = 'AKITA INU' then tx_group_id end) as swap_number_AKITA_INU,
    count(case when b.asset_name = 'ZONE' then tx_group_id end) as swap_number_ZONE,
    count(case when b.asset_name = 'STBL' then tx_group_id end) as swap_number_STBL
    from algorand.swaps s LEFT OUTER JOIN algorand.asset b ON s.swap_to_asset_id= b.asset_id
    where block_timestamp >= '2022-01-01'
    and swap_from_asset_id = '0'
    group by 1
    order by 1