What Are Users Swapping gALGO3 For?
•Show the number of trades to gALGO3 and from gALGO3 by day? Also chart the volume of trades to gALGO3 and from gALGO3 by day? Are there any notable days? If so, what may have caused this?
•What DEXes are users swapping gALGO3 on? Show the breakout of number of gALGO3 swaps(to or from) by day for each dex.
•What are the top 10 most popular to swap from to get gALGO3?
•What are the top 10 most popular to swap to from gALGO3?
these charts show which DEXes were used more, for swapping to-from gALGO3. you can see that most of the swaps are done in Tinyman
The results of the diagram show us On 13th April shown the most volume and number of trades for both swap
The chart below shows the DEXs that users swapping to gALGO3 . Tinyman has more swapping than pactfi