Rand Gallery NFT Sales

    Rand Gallery is one of the largest NFT marketplaces on Algorand. Let’s take a deeper look into rand gallery’s history and the performance of the marketplace. Show Daily NFT sale volume in # of sales, ALGOs, and USD over time. Show how much Rand Gallery has earned in fees daily and accumulated over time. -How many NFTs have been sold through Rand Gallery and what is the total -volume in ALGOs of NFT sales. What was the biggest NFT sale in both ALGOs and USD. What was the NFT? Tips: NFT Sale Example: https://algoexplorer.io/tx/group/m5Xmjvw60T%2B%2F9%2Bxo15Oi5GjffoRHNRtBkSYDDZBeLgc%3D Fees are sent to: RANDGVRRYGVKI3WSDG6OGTZQ7MHDLIN5RYKJBABL46K5RQVHUFV3NY5DUE NFT Statistics and Explorer: https://www.nftexplorer.app/stats"