itsxenuxOutflow terra to other networks (UUSD)
    Updated 2022-03-16
    SELECT 'osmosis' as platform, date_trunc('day', block_timestamp) as date, sum(ZEROIFNULL(event_attributes:amount[0]:amount))/pow(10,6) as t_amount,
    event_attributes:amount[0]:denom as t_name
    , concat(t_name, ' - ', platform) as token_platform
    FROM terra.msg_events
    where event_type= 'transfer'
    and (event_attributes:amount[0]:denom = 'uusd')
    and block_timestamp >= '2022-01-01'
    and event_attributes:recipient = 'terra1kq2rzz6fq2q7fsu75a9g7cpzjeanmk68wplle5'
    group by date,t_name, platform

    SELECT 'secret' as platform, date_trunc('day', block_timestamp) as date, sum(ZEROIFNULL(event_attributes:amount[0]:amount))/pow(10,6) as t_amount,
    event_attributes:amount[0]:denom as t_name
    , concat(t_name, ' - ', platform) as token_platform
    FROM terra.msg_events
    where event_type= 'transfer'
    and (event_attributes:amount[0]:denom = 'uusd')
    and block_timestamp >= '2022-01-01'
    and event_attributes:recipient = 'terra1v0zuhlzznmz8r5csel3dtrm0pst0dmett62j6z'
    group by date,t_name, platform
    SELECT 'injective' as platform, date_trunc('day', block_timestamp) as date, sum(ZEROIFNULL(event_attributes:amount[0]:amount))/pow(10,6) as t_amount,
    event_attributes:amount[0]:denom as t_name
    , concat(t_name, ' - ', platform) as token_platform
    FROM terra.msg_events
    where event_type= 'transfer'
    and (event_attributes:amount[0]:denom = 'uusd')
    and block_timestamp >= '2022-01-01'
    and event_attributes:recipient = 'terra17nsujlwvwf4xrgawwgxqphdak2anflw5hga0zu'
    group by date,t_name, platform

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