Burn Baby Burn

    What is going to happen with this burn is that the value of Luna is going to go up. Using the simple supply and demand logic if there is less of something that is of value than it is going to be worth more. By having it be worth more, everyone is going to want to get it and hold onto. This will lead into how people decide to stake their assets. By staking their Luna they will now have a more valuable asset, that is going to be making them more money. It might also increase the amount they are going to get because their asset just became more scarce This will also affect governance. The company that is burning their 10% of Luna will no longer have a governance vote because they will have no supply. The governance is based on the owners meaning that the public is now going to hold the power of the choices for what Luna should do. This is going to affect the overall network and crypto world because more people are going to want to go onto the Terra network. You have the ability to use Anchor protocol to make your assets go to work meaning that you will have the ability to make money off your money by minting the stable coins. It has the potential for high-scalability, interesting bearing, and interchain usage. By giving the people who are already on more governance power, and more value for the asset they already have, other people are going to be trying to access the perks that Luna owners are receiving.