Governance Participation (Address)

    The graphs on this dashboard will show the individual governance participation. I think it is important to first see what a graph would look like without the top participators. There is a large group of people that are participating, however, the power they have may not compare to those with the most, in fact it does not even compare. If you look at another graph that I included labeled governance power it is quite obvious that one address has the most power. They have 25 million in terms of total voting power, which blows everybody else to the side. I also added a time graph that will show you when each individual voted. You can go to any day and on that day you will be able to find who voted, their address, and also how much voting power they had. This information is useful especially if you want to look at certain votes. The last graph I wanted to use would show the voting power used over time. This graph will be very helpful when looking for the major votes. You have the ability to go and look at the specific dates on the previous graph I spoke about based on this final graph. I also included a graph without the top 100 so it is easier to see most of the people that had voted because the scale makes it more difficult to see the lower spectrum of voters. In this graph that shows the voting power over time without the top 100, it is much easier to see that many people do actually vote, it is just difficult to see when looking at scale.