Liquidation Response

    These are the responses to owners who had their collateral liquidated. For 5 random users I will show you whether they borrowed again, when they borrowed again, and how many times they borrowed again if they decided to. For some of these people they will not have borrowed again, meaning that after they had their collateral liquidated, they decided to not spend anymore money on the platform. These tables are showing you the patterns of how people are borrowing after their first liquidation. It seems that most people will take out a large amount of loans that end up being liquidated once. After those loans, whether at the beginning or end of the graph, they do not go big again. Some people will take out nearly 40 different loans and have them all liquidated on the same day, user 1, and afterwards did not take more out like that. On the contrast user 5 had 3 loans liquidated, and that was his biggest loss.