Luna $100 When?

    These graphs are going to show you that Luna has never been at a higher amount before. Luna itself will reach $100 very soon. Since the Luna burn Terra has been at an all time high. 10% of all Luna was burned, which meant that supply dropped and in anticipation of that demand for the coin skyrocketed. When supply drops and demand increases, that means the value will increase drastically. That is what the first graph is going to show you. The next two graphs are showing how people are more likely to be staking their Luna to receive money on it. As more Luna is staked it provides support for the Terra ecosystem and makes sure it is more secure against attacks. Different networks such as Thorchain have really struggled with this issue which looks to be something that Terra will not need to deal with. With the value of Luna going up, and more money being staked, it means that Terra is going to be more secure and efficient than ever before. This will lead people to believing that it is a better place to invest their money for crypto. This cycle will continue, and that means that the TVL of Terra will increase. All of these will lead to the value of LUNA increasing. I would assume that within the next month or two based on current increases LUNA will be in touching distance of $100.