Metric Dashboard

    The first graph shown shows the total liquidity over every week available in the database. What is most interesting to me is the consistency. There was a major spike, followed by a crash in May, however, there has been relative consistency besides this one occurrence. As you can see the liquidity is starting to rise again as get to September. The second graph will you the utilization rate. This can be contrasted with the first graph. The utilization shows the liquidation that is being utilized. The higher the utilization rate tends to mean the better in general AAVE had been doing at that time. The last two graphs show the premiums and totals for the flashloans. They look nearly identical, the only difference is the amount of money involved in each graph. The flashloan totals are going to be significantly higher than the premiums and that makes complete sense. Due to the nature of flashloans the fees are going to be much smaller than the actual amounts. That is the beauty of flashloans.