Preferred C-Ratio

    On this dashboard I am showing the average for all of the loans combined overtime, and the average C-Ratio for the top 50 loans and the bottom 50 loans. The first graph shows the average C-Ratio for the biggest loans. As you can see depending on the coin used as collateral it will change the amount used as collateral. The range is from 1.05 - 1.11. This shows that the average for the biggest loans are actually very close together. The X-axis is off so instead to actually get the correct information from the graph slide over the different coin to get the C-Ratio. The other graph shows the largest amount that was in total used as coverage for the loans in USD. The other graphs shows for the smallest 50 loans what the average for each debt coverage token what it was. The range was for 1.04 - 1.11. I find this data very interesting because it shows that the C-Ratio is relatively even across the entire range of loans that are being taken out.