Sushi Gainers and Losers

    The two graph's are going to show the top 10 pool feels for the pools that have had the most transactions fees in the last 24-hours. The second graph is going to give you a total USD amount, while the first will give you a percentage comparison. The next two graphs are going to show you the other side of the fees for the LP that had the least amount over the last 24-hours. The third graph will show you the total amount and the fourth graph is going to show the comparison based on how much in fees were actually spent. The 5th and 6th graphs are going to show you the top 10 LP's that had volume added vs the worst 10 LP's in terms of volume added in USD. You can see there is a major difference as the USDC-WETH had nearly 60 million added vs the lowest amount added in less than $5 in total. These graphs are also going to show you the amount of liquidity added as well in USD.