Sushi swap vs Uniswap Monthly Activity

    The first graph is going to show the amount of activity going on per month on Sushiswap. It continues to spike and drop, but throughout the summer it dropped heavily. This was the exact opposite from Uniswap who saw nearly 58,000 new users add to the network. This was more than double the average, which was closer to 24,000. There are three graphs for Uniswap. One of them will seem like July was the only active month, however, it was just the biggest spike. With all of the new additions it makes sense that there would be such a high number of activities compared to other times. This being said it is a little interesting the volume comparison between the other months. Another graph is going to show you the monthly activity in a logarithmic method so you can actually see the comparisons between the months for uniswap instead of seeing it as blank. It seems that Sushi is very active, however, there continues to be spikes and then activity dies down every couple of months. It seems that Sushi is on the downward trend, and will most likely be spiking very soon. It seems that Uniswap is either very active or very inactive, so in terms of consistency I would argue that Sushi is more active. However, when there is a lot of activity on Uniswap, it is very active and crazy.