Sushi To Farm or Not to Farm

    The first graph is going to show you that people who are on sushiswap are 50/50 essentially when it comes to holding or not holding. The other graphs that I created will show you the most amount being put in or being taken out by total, and then also overtime. Most people who want to farm their currency on sushiswap are going into either OHM-DAI or USDC-WETh. These account for nearly 60% of all the amount being farmed. This is a major amount as more then half of the people who are farming are using these pools. In total that means nearly 30% of people on this platform are using these two specific liquidity pools. The other graphs are going to show how much is being taken out of certain pools to be held. USDC-WETH and WETH-USDT are the top two for having money being taken out. WETH is involved in 56% of the pools that money is being taken out of.