Sushi Top 10 Pool Analytics
These different graphs are going to give you all of the information requested based on the top 10 liquidity pools. The first graph is going to show you a comparison between the top 10 LP. The second graph is going to show you the amount put into each LP every single day and how it changes. The 3rd graph is going to show you the fees per day and how they compare to each of the other LP's. The 4th graph is going to show you the pools and how much is added per week. The last 3 graphs are going to give you information on the fees. The first will show you that the most fees by far is WETH-DOGE, which are holding nearly 80% of the fees from the top 10. The next graph is going to show you the fees based on each week. The final graph is going to show you how much in total each LP has in fees, Definitions : LP is Liquidity Pool