Thorchain Net Liquidity

    This dashboard is going to give you information on the net liquidity of Thorchain and how it has changed overtime. The first graph will show that more has been put into the network than taken out and the difference is 20%. This is obvious as the RUNE still has value, but more has been removed recently than has been added. The second graph is going to show the different pools and how much is added or removed during the time. The next two graphs are going to show information on the total liquidity added and the total removed during over time. You can see that more has been added over the total existence of the network, which is where the value of RUNE comes from, but since November, there has been no liquidity added to this network, which is most likely due to the crashing of the network for a second time. This would make people less likely to put there money into it as they want to make sure the network is stable before they put there money in.