Thorchain Network Shutdown

    This dashboard is going to show what the behavior of users has been since the restart of Thorchain and also how it compares to the actions before the shut down. This will give a deeper analysis on whether the shut down has changed people’s behaviors or if the shut down did not affect the actions of users in this environment. Before the shutdown there was a pretty even give and take of people adding and removing liquidity from the different pools. There were different spikes when the liquidity removed was drastically larger than that of what was being added, but in general they were pretty even. Some weeks would be up and some weeks would be down. Since the crash and restart it seems that people are removing much of their liquidity. Very few people are adding to the pools and this could be because this is the second time that the environment has crashed in its existence leading people to not trust the stability. This being said, people are still putting their money into RUNE. Not nearly as much in comparison to before, but also the time passed has been significantly less. What this says is that people are still wanting to have money in RUNE, believing that it will rise, and hoping that they won’t have an impermanent loss. Overall, people are a bit hesitant to get back into the LP’s on this network, but do believe in the currency. This leads me to believe that most likely people are going to want to have RUNE, and are hoping that as time goes on the network will get more reliant.