Thorchain On-Ramping Stats

    The first two graphs that I would like to talk about are going to the ones that are showing where people were switching from, and how much they were spending. You can see that the graphs are nearly identical meaning people were spending similar amounts when they were switching over and there were major spenders. If you also look at the two graphs that are to they look identical to those talking about the from, but if you look over the graphs and their numbers you can see they are actually different. These two graphs together give you the perfect view of how much was going to and from which assets. By comparing these you will have the ability to know how much was swapped to and from the different people whose assets were involved. The third graph and the sixth graph show you people's first transactions on the network and what they were getting out of and going into. You can see that most of the first transactions were happening on either BNB or RUNE, meaning most of the transactions were most likely moving out of those two blockchains. That being said when you look at the different graphs for the to addresses it is easy to see that where they are going to is much more even. However, when looking at the scales you can see there is a massive issue. One scale goes up to 150 while another goes up to 8000, which can only mean that people are moving off of this network onto others. Although there was a major spike there has also been a major slow down in terms of network activity, meaning people are sending money to other wallets that are not on this platform.