Thorchain Pool Stats
There are 5 graphs that are being shown on this dashboard. The first graph will you show you the amount swap amount by the fees. The x-axis has the swap volume in USD, while the y-axis has the total swap fees. You can see that the amount of swap volume does not necessarily correlate to the amount of the fees. The second graph is showing the liquidity in terms of USD. Liquidity has been steadily rising and is now roughly consistent and seems as it will stay so. The third graph is showing the swap volume for rune. You can see that unsurprisingly swap volume completely falls off after the issues that the network had. However, as it has come back on there have been more swaps, which correlates to the resurgence of the network. The fourth graph is showing the swap count. You can see there are definitely ups and downs, realistically if it were to be looked at on a weekly instead of daily basis, it would look significantly more consistent. There was also a major drop during the times that the network was down, but now in mid to late September and moving forward it has become more active and consistent. The final graph shows the total swap fees, which peaked and then dropped in the middle of the graph. This also correlates to the reactivation of the network. Although it might look like there is not a lot of activity, that is because the scale makes it seem as such.