Thorchain Wallet Growth Over Time

    The time three periods that we are going to be looking into are before July 16th, pre-hack, September 24th - November 11th, Pre-Network Halt, and then finally November 18th - present day, which was the post network halt. Before the hack there was a very solid flow of people joining. There were many spikes but overall, they were having a solid number join every week. This changed drastically after the first hack. Before the network halt, they were having nearly nobody join, but they around mid October - late November there were two major spikes as thorchain began to seemingly make a comeback. However, this was followed by a shutdown and after that shutdown the number of people joining has dropped significantly from where it was. Overall, the continuous shutdowns have proven to be a major issue for thorchain as it breeds a disbelief of stability, but if they are able to stay active for a couple of months and prove their stability, I believe they will find themselves having more people join again!