Uniswap TVL Projections

    The first graph is showing the token price variation, which we can see has been affected quite a lot since middle of the year. The time locked value will be altered of course because the price dropped as much as it did people will lose faith in the currency itself. This being said Uniswap has been a very useful tool and will continue to be as well. Recently there has been a huge crypto crash after El Salvidoor accepted Bitcoin as a national currency. I personally believe this is just a little bump, and will slowly make its way back up. Crypto currency runs on liquidity. Ticks are essentially boundaries between areas in the market. One tick is equal to .0001% of an increase or decrease in price point. The ticks act as a boundary for liquidity. If you want to sell something you need someone to be willing to buy it at your price. Each pool has the same amount of ticks, but only some of them are able to be active at any given moment. There is a high correlation between lower fees and the allowance of potentially active ticks, whereas more fees tend to have longer intervals between ticks. What does this mean for Uniswap? Uniswap has been relatively consistent, but I believe they will continue to grow. As you can see less ticks means that there are higher fees, tending to mean the value is greater. These are all good things for Uniswap. As the amount of ticks decreases, the fees will most likely increase.