john-adamUntitled Query
    Updated 2022-10-26
    SELECT block_timestamp::date as date, 'Ethereum' as chains,
    count(DISTINCT from_address) AS users,
    count(DISTINCT to_address ) AS app,
    count(distinct tx_hash) AS tx ,
    sum(tx_fee*price) AS tx_fee_usd,
    avg(tx_fee*price) AS avg_tx_fee_usd
    FROM ethereum.core.fact_transactions as tb1
    join (
    select hour::date as date, avg(price) as price
    from ethereum.core.fact_hourly_token_prices
    where symbol = 'WETH'
    group by 1
    ) as tb2 on tb1.block_timestamp::date =
    where block_timestamp::date>= current_date-90
    and block_timestamp::date <current_date
    GROUP BY 1,2
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