178 [Terra] Kujira Bids

    Q178. Determine the total unique users placing bids on Kujira since its inception. Compare bids on bLUNA vs bETH. What portion of these users are seeing their bids filled? Grand prize winners will also compare users of UST vs aUST. HINT: see the contract addresses below: Old contract https://finder.terra.money/columbus-4/address/terra1w9ky73v4g7v98zzdqpqgf3kjmusnx4d4mvnac6 New contract https://finder.terra.money/columbus-5/address/terra1e25zllgag7j9xsun3me4stnye2pcg66234je3u aUST contract: https://terrascope.info/mainnet/address/terra13nk2cjepdzzwfqy740pxzpe3x75pd6g0grxm2z


    Since November 2021, the number of bids has increased significantly. This is because Kujira democratized liquidations for the average user. Before the launch of Kujira, users had to write bots to monitor and execute liquidations.


    The diversity in the number of bidders can be seen in this daily unique bidders chart. In the last week we had the highest number of bidders which shows the popularity of the Kujira product.

    • As discussed before, we can see the unique bidders start to increase in November 2021 with the launch of Kujira.
    • In the last few days, we're even seeing bids submitted for our newest collateral types — sAVAX and bATOM.


    Over time, bLUNA has been the more popular bid collateral. More recently, we're starting to see bids being submitted for the new collateral types (bATOM, sAVAX) that were onboarded recently.