Delegator Delegation Distribution

    To get a close look at our > 10 validators, I zoomed in by setting the minimum number of validators at 20. This gives us a distribution of how many addresses are delegating to more than 20 validators.

    And more importantly, this shows us that there is an address delegating to 89 validators! 89!


    I wanted to look at the delegator → number of validators relationship so I created a histogram showing different buckets. On the x-axis are the number of validators a delegator delegates to. On the y-axis are the number of delegators that fall within that bucket.

    The distribution falls off very quickly around 10 which means most of the delegators are delegating to < 10 validators. However, why is the x-axis represented all the way to 80+?


    On average, delegators delegate to ~2.4 validators which is very healthy for Terra's decentralization. The median stands at 1.
