kaibladeFIFA+ Collect Daily Mints Grouped By Collection
    Updated 2023-04-15
    WITH fifaplus_data AS
    (SELECT sales.*, dim.nft_asset_name, dim.name, dim.application_id, dim.drop_number,
    dim.drop_name, dim.item_no, dim.editions, dim.rarity, dim.world_cup_type, dim.year, dim.event_type, dim.player
    FROM algorand.nft.ez_nft_sales_fifa sales
    JOIN algorand.nft.ez_nft_metadata_fifa dim
    ON sales.nft_asset_id = dim.nft_asset_id)

    SELECT DATE_TRUNC('day', block_timestamp) AS "Days",
    COUNT(tx_group_id) AS "Number of Mints",
    FROM fifaplus_data
    WHERE sale_type = 'mint'
    GROUP BY "Days", drop_name

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