kaibladeDaily AAVE Withdrawals V1
    Updated 2023-04-13
    WITH raw_data AS (SELECT *
    FROM ethereum.core.fact_event_logs
    WHERE event_inputs:_reserve = '0x7fc66500c84a76ad7e9c93437bfc5ac33e2ddae9'
    AND contract_address ='0x398ec7346dcd622edc5ae82352f02be94c62d119'
    AND event_name ='RedeemUnderlying'
    AND block_timestamp BETWEEN '2020-11-17 14:30:03.000' AND '2022-06-15 20:17:02.000'
    ORDER BY block_timestamp DESC)

    raw_data2 AS
    (SELECT *
    FROM flipside_prod_db.aave.withdraws
    WHERE symbol ILIKE '%aave%'
    AND aave_version = 'Aave V1'
    missing_withdrawals AS
    (SELECT *
    FROM raw_data2
    WHERE tx_id NOT IN (SELECT tx_hash FROM raw_data)
    combined_withdrawals AS
    SELECT block_timestamp, event_inputs:_amount/POWER(10,18) AS amount_withdrawn
    FROM ethereum.core.fact_event_logs
    WHERE event_inputs:_reserve = '0x7fc66500c84a76ad7e9c93437bfc5ac33e2ddae9'
    AND contract_address ='0x398ec7346dcd622edc5ae82352f02be94c62d119'
    AND event_name ='RedeemUnderlying'


    SELECT block_timestamp, withdrawn_tokens AS amount_withdrawn
    FROM missing_withdrawals

    Run a query to Download Data