Algorand Price Correlation
Is the price of Algorand more closely correlated with the crypto market, and assets such as BTC or ETH, or is it more correlated with network usage such as number of transactions or ALGO transfers? How does this compare to other networks such as Solana? Note your findings and anything else that may be interesting in relation to Algorand's price movement!
In the Bitcoin chart, we had a chat in the month of May that made it difficult to compare the chart, that's why I checked the price of Algo only with the price of Ethereum and the number of network transfers. We can see that the Algo price chart is more similar to the Ethereum price than the number of network transfers So it can be said that Algo's price pattern follows Bitcoin and Ethereum.
I know that I did not provide a complete dashboard. But all my efforts have been and continue to be to be able to understand blockchain better and better, but the problems of life do not allow me to spend much time on this work. Please accept this dashboard from me if possible. I will also do my best for the next questions.