Solana Blockchain analysis
Summary and overall goal- In this dashboard, I have deep-dived and analyzed the 3 most popular Solana NFT projects(tokens) DEgods, okay Bears, and Degen Apes to get detailed insights regarding them. Query wise details:- Initially, the number of Solana NFT projects(tokens) was found. Further, it can be seen that the 3 NFT projects have been purchased the most and their respective purchasers are listed to understand the highest purchasers of NFT and their respective amounts. Further, the 3 NFT project's mint price is compared with their sales price to understand the profits of NFT. Furthermore, the count of NFT projects and the total price spent on minting these 3 projects have been provided to understand the NFTs minted and the price spent on them. In the end, The amount spent to swap these projects is provided. This is to understand the amount spent in the swapping process of NFTs.