kasadeghUser Interest
    Updated 2022-11-13
    select 'Drop Name' as Metadata,
    initcap(Drop_Name) as Intrest_Value,
    count (distinct nft_asset_id) as Total_NFTs_with_Metadata_In_the_Wallet
    from algorand.core.fact_account_asset t1 join algorand.nft.ez_nft_metadata_fifa t2 on t1.asset_id = t2.nft_asset_id
    where t1.amount > 0 and
    address ilike '{{Wallet_Address}}'
    group by 1,2
    order by 3 desc
    limit 1
    select 'Rarity' as Metric,
    Rarity as Value,
    count (distinct nft_asset_id) as NFTs_Count
    from algorand.core.fact_account_asset t1 join algorand.nft.ez_nft_metadata_fifa t2 on t1.asset_id = t2.nft_asset_id
    where t1.amount > 0 and
    address ilike '{{Wallet_Address}}'
    group by 1,2
    order by 3 desc
    limit 1
    select 'World Cup Type' as Metric,
    World_Cup_Type || ' World Cup' as Value,
    count (distinct nft_asset_id) as NFTs_Count
    from algorand.core.fact_account_asset t1 join algorand.nft.ez_nft_metadata_fifa t2 on t1.asset_id = t2.nft_asset_id
    where t1.amount > 0 and
    address ilike '{{Wallet_Address}}'
    group by 1,2
    order by 3 desc
    limit 1
    Run a query to Download Data