kasadegh distribution of ALGO holdings
    Updated 2022-06-16
    with new_wallet_in_may as (
    select count(distinct a.ADDRESS) as "number_of_new_wallet_in_may" from flipside_prod_db.algorand.account as a
    join flipside_prod_db.algorand.block as b
    where date(b.BLOCK_TIMESTAMP)>='2022-05-01' and date(b.BLOCK_TIMESTAMP)<='2022-05-30' and a.ACCOUNT_CLOSED=0
    new_wallet_in_may_with_more_than_1 as (
    select a.ADDRESS,a.BALANCE from flipside_prod_db.algorand.account as a
    join flipside_prod_db.algorand.block as b
    where date(b.BLOCK_TIMESTAMP)>='2022-05-01' and date(b.BLOCK_TIMESTAMP)<='2022-05-30' and a.ACCOUNT_CLOSED=0 and a.BALANCE>1
    order by a.BALANCE desc

    select "bin",count(*) as "Total number of wallets" from
    select BALANCE,CASE
    WHEN BALANCE<100 THEN '<100'
    WHEN BALANCE>100 and BALANCE<1000 THEN '>100 and <1000'
    WHEN BALANCE>1000 and BALANCE<10000 THEN '>1000 and <10000'
    WHEN BALANCE>10000 and BALANCE<100000 THEN '>10000 and <100000'
    WHEN BALANCE>100000 and BALANCE<1000000 THEN '>100000 and <1000000'
    WHEN BALANCE>100000 and BALANCE<10000000 THEN '>1000000 and <10000000'
    ELSE '>10000000' END as "bin"
    from new_wallet_in_may_with_more_than_1
    ) as tt
    group by "bin"
    order by "bin"

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