kasadeghDaily Cost of Transaction Fees (USD)
    Updated 2022-07-05
    with algo_price as (
    select date(BLOCK_HOUR) as day, avg(PRICE_USD) as price
    from flipside_prod_db.algorand.prices_swap
    where ASSET_NAME='ALGO'
    group by day
    algo_transaction as (
    select t.BLOCK_TIMESTAMP::DATE as day,TX_ID,FEE,price
    from flipside_prod_db.algorand.transactions as t JOIN algo_price
    on t.BLOCK_TIMESTAMP::DATE=algo_price.day
    where t.BLOCK_TIMESTAMP::DATE>='2022-01-01'
    day_total_cost as
    select day ,sum(FEE * price) as "Daily Cost of Transaction Fees (USD)", count(distinct TX_ID) as "Daily Transaction Count"
    from algo_transaction
    group by day
    select day ,"Daily Cost of Transaction Fees (USD)", "Daily Transaction Count" ,
    sum("Daily Cost of Transaction Fees (USD)") over (order by day asc rows BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) as "Total Accumulated Cost of Transaction Fees (USD)"
    from day_total_cost
    order by day

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