kenobi9270Total collateral deposited (in USD)
    Updated 2022-05-23

    (select 'C-Total collateral deposited' as lbl , contract_address as address,sum(event_inputs:share/1e18) as results ,(case
    when address='0x63d4026cbc902e538618b9aa51a4d05ef48ef5a4' then ' Kashi Amp/USD'
    when address='0xa7c3304462b169c71f8edc894ea9d32879fb4823' then ' Kashi Dai Stablecoin/Rai'
    when address='0x6eafe077df3ad19ade1ce1abdf8bdf2133704f89' then ' Kashi SushiBar/USD'
    when address='0x77f3a4fa35bac0ea6cfac69037ac4d3a757240a1' then ' Kashi SushiBar/Dai'
    when address='0x17fb5f39c55903de60e63543067031ce2b2659ee' then ' Kashi SushiBar/Tether USD'
    else address
    end) as name
    from ethereum_core.fact_event_logs
    where contract_name='KashiPairMediumRiskV1' and event_name='LogAddCollateral'
    group by 2
    order by 3 desc
    limit 5)
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