kenobi9270Distribution of rewards payout
    Updated 2022-04-12
    WHEN amount <=1 THEN 'from 0 to 1'
    WHEN amount >1 AND amount <=2 THEN 'from 1 to 2'
    WHEN amount >2 AND amount <=3 THEN 'from 2 to 3'
    WHEN amount >3 AND amount <=4 THEN 'from 3 to 4'
    WHEN amount >4 AND amount <=5 THEN 'from 4 to 5'
    WHEN amount >5 AND amount <=6 THEN 'from 5 to 6'
    WHEN amount >6 AND amount <=7 THEN 'from 6 to 7'
    WHEN amount >7 AND amount <=8 THEN 'from 7 to 8'
    WHEN amount >8 AND amount <=9 THEN 'from 8 to 9'
    WHEN amount >9 AND amount <=10 THEN 'from 9 to 10'
    WHEN amount >10 AND amount <=20 THEN 'from 10 to 20'
    WHEN amount >20 AND amount <=30 THEN 'from 20 to 30'
    WHEN amount >30 AND amount <=40 THEN 'from 30 to 40'
    WHEN amount >40 AND amount <=50 THEN 'from 40 to 50'
    WHEN amount >50 AND amount <=60 THEN 'from 50 to 60'
    WHEN amount >60 AND amount <=70 THEN 'from 60 to 70'
    WHEN amount >70 AND amount <=80 THEN 'from 70 to 80'
    WHEN amount >80 AND amount <=90 THEN 'from 80 to 90'
    WHEN amount >90 AND amount <=100 THEN 'from 90 to 100'
    WHEN amount >100 AND amount <=1000 THEN 'from 100 to 1000'
    WHEN amount >1000 AND amount <=10000 THEN 'from 1000 to 10000'
    WHEN amount >10000 AND amount <=100000 THEN 'from 10000 to 100000'
    WHEN amount >100000 THEN 'from 100000 to -'
    ) AS HIST
    FROM algorAND.payment_transaction
    WHERE block_timestamp::DATE > '2022-03-30' AND try_base64_decode_string(tx_message:txn:note::string) LIKE '%af/gov1:j{"rewardsPrd":2%'
    group by HIST

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