Tinyman Dex Popularity-Algorand Bounties

    Chart the number of swaps by day for each DEX in 2022. Note when the swaps started for each PactFi, AlgoFi, and Wagmiswap and describe whether we see a change in the number of swaps on TInyman after the launch of the other DEXs.

    For solving this bounty I charted all DEXs number of swaps of 2022,and I'm comparing all three DEXs with Tinyman two by two

    AlgoFi vs Tinyman


    For few days after Algofi DEX (Feb21),Tinyman swaps was on a down trend and reduced until Feb23 then it went up

    PactFi vs Tinyman


    For a day after PactFi DEX (Feb22),Tinyman swaps was reduced and went up next day

    Wagmiswap vs Tinyman


    For two days after Algofi DEX(Feb14) ,Tinyman swaps went up significantly then it was on a down trend for few days until Feb20 then it went up