Tinyman Dex Popularity-Algorand Bounties
Chart the number of swaps by day for each DEX in 2022. Note when the swaps started for each PactFi, AlgoFi, and Wagmiswap and describe whether we see a change in the number of swaps on TInyman after the launch of the other DEXs.
For solving this bounty I charted all DEXs number of swaps of 2022,and I'm comparing all three DEXs with Tinyman two by two
For few days after Algofi DEX (Feb21),Tinyman swaps was on a down trend and reduced until Feb23 then it went up
For a day after PactFi DEX (Feb22),Tinyman swaps was reduced and went up next day
For two days after Algofi DEX(Feb14) ,Tinyman swaps went up significantly then it was on a down trend for few days until Feb20 then it went up