keshanOsmosis stablecoins 2
    Updated 2022-06-28
    with coin_addresses as (
    select address, project_name from osmosis.core.dim_labels
    where label_subtype='token_contract' and lower(project_name) in ('usdc.grv', 'axlusdc', 'usdt', 'frax', 'axldai', 'dai.grv', 'ustc')
    select block_timestamp::date as date, --f.project_name as from_token,
    t.project_name as to_token,
    sum(to_amount/pow(10, to_decimal)) as to_amount, count(trader) as to_swappers
    from osmosis.core.fact_swaps --left join osmosis.core.dim_labels f on f.address=from_currency
    left join osmosis.core.dim_labels t on t.address=to_currency
    where to_currency in (select c.address from coin_addresses c) and tx_status='SUCCEEDED'
    group by date, to_token
    order by date
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