keshanUSDC transfer volumes
    Updated 2022-04-15
    with eth as (select e.block_timestamp::date as date, sum(e.amount_usd) as ethereum, count(distinct tx_id) as transactions_e
    from ethereum.udm_events e
    where e.block_timestamp::date >= '2022-1-1'
    and e.contract_address=lower('0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48')
    and e.event_name='transfer'
    group by date),
    solana as (select block_timestamp::date as date, sum(s.amount) as solana, count(distinct tx_id) as transactions_s
    from solana.transfers s
    where s.block_timestamp::date >= '2022-1-1'
    and (s.PRETOKENBALANCES[0]:mint='EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v' and s.POSTTOKENBALANCES[0]:mint='EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v')
    and s.succeeded
    group by date),
    algo as (select a.block_timestamp::date as date, sum(a.asset_amount)/1e6 as algorand, count(distinct tx_id) as transactions_a
    from algorand.asset_transfer_transaction a
    where a.block_timestamp::date >= '2022-1-1'
    and a.asset_id=31566704
    group by date)

    select, ethereum, solana, algorand, transactions_a as "Number of USDC transfers on Algorand", transactions_e as "Number of USDC transfers on Ethereum", transactions_s as "Number of USDC transfers on Solana",
    ethereum/transactions_e as "Average USDC per tx on Ethereum", algorand/transactions_a as "Average USDC per tx on Algorand", solana/transactions_s as "Average USDC per tx on Solana"
    from solana left join eth using(date) left join algo using(date)
    Run a query to Download Data