keshanthe typical minter - 4
    Updated 2022-06-09
    with minters as (select
    case when mint_price_eth=0 then 'Cantina crew(including FlipSide team)' else 'Allowlist' end as minter_type,
    nft_to_address as minter
    from ethereum.core.ez_nft_mints
    where block_timestamp between '2022-06-07 16:00:00.000' and '2022-06-07 17:00:00.000' -- Only the first hour of the mint
    and nft_address='0x903e2f5d42ee23156d548dd46bb84b7873789e44'
    and nft_to_address not in ('0x2d81713c58452c92c19b2917e1c770eecf53fe41', '0x65d079b57844fca66df262523a0b1934bead712b', '0xdc23c31c57747ee7cb2bb4b06af2ceab29e33cdb')
    and event_type ='nft_mint')

    select minter, count(s.nft_address) as "Number of NFTs", ifnull(s.project_name, 'No Project Name') as "Project",
    sum(price) as "ETH paid to buy"
    from minters left join ethereum.core.ez_nft_sales s on buyer_address=minter and s.block_timestamp >= '2021-12-7' -- last 6 months
    group by minter, "Project"

    Run a query to Download Data