keshanOP User Behavior 1
    Updated 2022-06-23
    -- UnsiwapV3Router version 1 - 0xE592427A0AEce92De3Edee1F18E0157C05861564
    -- UnsiwapV3Router version 2 - 0x68b3465833fb72A70ecDF485E0e4C7bD8665Fc45
    -- Both Optimism and Ethereum deployments have this same contract address.

    select date_trunc('hour', l.block_timestamp) as time, contract_address, count(distinct origin_from_address) as unique_users,
    avg(gas_price) as gas_price, avg(tx_fee) as avg_fee
    from optimism.core.fact_event_logs l inner join optimism.core.fact_transactions using(tx_hash)
    where origin_to_address in (lower('0xE592427A0AEce92De3Edee1F18E0157C05861564'), ('0x68b3465833fb72A70ecDF485E0e4C7bD8665Fc45'))
    and event_name='Swap'
    group by time, contract_address
    order by time

    --select * from optimism.core.fact_transactions where tx_hash='0x7ad550c315701a8d51287981db2a2eadf4110aedd73955006dbc3e4d7616c857'
    with base as (select tx_hash
    from avalanche.core.fact_event_logs
    where event_name = 'Swap'
    and block_timestamp >= '2022-06-20'),

    base2 as (select tx_hash,
    sum(event_inputs:value/1e6) as swap_size
    from avalanche.core.fact_event_logs
    where contract_address = '0xb97ef9ef8734c71904d8002f8b6bc66dd9c48a6e'
    and event_name = 'Transfer'
    and tx_hash in (select tx_hash from base)
    group by 1),

    base3 as (select tx_hash,
    sum(event_inputs:value/1e6) as transfer_size
    from avalanche.core.fact_event_logs
    where contract_address = '0xb97ef9ef8734c71904d8002f8b6bc66dd9c48a6e'
    and event_name = 'Transfer'
    and tx_hash not in (select tx_hash from base)
    and block_timestamp >= '2022-06-20'
    group by 1)

    Run a query to Download Data