Solana: Active Wallet Growth

    What is the number of unique active wallets (signers) over the past 7 days? Create a visualization showing the number of active wallets per day since the start of 2022.


    Following are the unique active wallets in Solana blockchain during the last 7 days in hourly scale.

    Now, let's look at the active wallets since the beginning of 2022 on daily scale.


    Now it would be interesting to zoom in to this daily data on minute scale and see whether there are any patterns.

    It's clear that the 22nd of January had a very low number of unique active wallets while 4th and 5th of January have anomalous spikes at certain times.

    So, it would be interesting to identify some of these interesting patterns. Following analysis has been done with Python and the source code can be found in this colab notebook.

    Let's decompose this time series and identify weekly, and daily trend

    On weekly analysis, the trend seems to be going up which means the number of unique wallets that are being used is going up with the time. Also, most of the unique wallets are active during the mid-week. There are also some outliers towards the 4th to 6th of January too.


    On the daily trend, it's obvious that the 22nd of January had the lowest number of unique active wallets but the trend has reversed since. The daily seasonal pattern shows that the most active users in the daytime then trend down towards midnight and then pick up in the daytime again.