khanhDaily transactions Before&After FTX Collapse
    Updated 2022-11-22
    a.block_timestamp::date "Date",
    case when "Date" >= '2022-11-08' then 'After FTX Collapse' else 'Before FTX Collapse' end "TimeSpan",
    count(distinct a.tx_id) "TX Number",
    count(distinct tx_from) "Users"
    from solana.core.fact_events a
    join solana.core.fact_transfers b
    on a.tx_id = b.tx_id
    join solana.core.dim_labels on program_id = address
    where label_type in ('dex', 'defi')
    and "Date" >= '2022-11-01'
    group by 1, 2
    order by 1 asc
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