Liquidity Providers Stats

In this dashboard, I will answer this question from Flipside Crypto:
- Evaluate the distribution of various target segments who provide liquidity (LP):
What’s the total no. of unique LP providers?
What’s the ratio between Yield farmers vs. LP Providers?
What’s the average no. of LP positions opened by each unique wallet address
What’s the ratio of liquidity (Based on TVL) owned by the Protocol vs. Retail LP in both LP Pool and yield farms
The percentage (%) increase/decrease of LP Providers in Sushi over the last 1 year
- Evaluate the profitability of an LP Provider & Yield Farmer
Evaluate if there’s a correlation between profitability vs. length of time?
Evaluate if there is a correlation between profit vs. time of withdrawal
Correlation between profitability vs type of pool? EX: stable pool
- Sushiswap experienced nearby 67K LP providers and most number of daily LP providers was on 11 Sep in 2020 with nearby 2.4K also Sushiswap experienced nearby 14.9K Yield Farmers and most number of daily Yield Farmers was on 10 Jun in 2021 with nearby 580 farmers on top of that Rate of LP Providers vs Yield Farmers is 82% for LP providers and 18% for Yield Farmers.
- During Last Year LP providers increased nearby 4% and number of providers increased from 34.4K in the last year into 37.5K in this year.
- on Average each Providers open nearby 2.6 Position since inception.
- Sushiswap experienced nearby 176K create LP transactions since inception.
- Protocol TVL is much more than Retail TVL.
- This Pool (0x6a091a3406E0073C3CD6340122143009aDac0EDa) had most TVL based on Protocol with nearby 85M and nearby 35% proportion of all TVL based on protocol. This pool belong to ILV-WETH.
- This Pool (0xdFb87fD2F9f5eEC75930A2D8Cfe67f791801FE30) had most Retail TVL with nearby 6.8K and nearby 82% proportion of Retail TVL, this pool belong to WETH-BOBA. BOBA is a L2 Solution.
- Users taken profit who claimed their reward at Past Week and Past Month to Past week. Other users that claimed their reward during another periods, lost part of their money and most number of lost was at Past year to past 3 month with nearby 53.M Loss!!
- Mot amount of lost was on 15 Jun 2022 with nearby -205.6M and most amount of profit was on 19 OCT 2021 with nearby 35.6M.
- Unstable Pool Lost about nearby -15B and Unstable Pool profit nearby 8.7B and Stable Pool profit nearby 1.2B also Unstable Pool has nearby 88% proportion of all Profit and Stable Pool has nearby 12%.
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