kingharald-ethGames with most activity in term of Users and Volume
    Updated 2022-08-27
    select contract_address, count(distinct(tx_hash)) as users_num, sum(event_inputs:value / pow(10, 18)) as volume
    from optimism.core.fact_event_logs a
    where tx_status = 'SUCCESS'
    and block_timestamp::date >= current_date - interval '14 days'
    and event_inputs:from = lower('0x170a5714112daeff20e798b6e92e25b86ea603c1')
    and origin_to_address = lower('0x170a5714112daeff20e798b6e92e25b86ea603c1')
    and not exists (select * from optimism.core.dim_contracts b where b.address = a.contract_address)
    group by contract_address
    order by users_num desc, volume
    limit 30
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