

    What Is Osmosis?

    • Osmosis is an automated market-making protocol (AMM) that specializes in the InterchainDeFi movement and is built on its own blockchain, utilizing the Cosmos SDK and IBC technologies. Osmosis is an advanced protocol focused on customizable AMMs, where users can create, construct, design and deploy individual and highly-customized AMMs with various modules and the on-chain governance system.


    In this dashboard, I will answer this question from Flipside Crypto:

    • How frequently do users on Osmosis unstake their Osmosis? What do they do with the OSMO once unstaked? Do they re-delegate, enter a LP position, or swap into another token? Do they re-delegate to certain validators more frequently than others? Why might this be so?




    • Since inception OSMO’s Users on average unstake their OSMO 1.8 time per month and since 2022 this number reduce about 1.5 time per month so users tend to hold their tokens compare between since inception and 2022.
    • About 88% of transactions from this users that unstake their OSMO tokens initially after claimable their token they diceded to swaped their tokens and about 10% of this users created LP position and just about 2% redelegated their tokens.
    • This validator (osmovaloper1ej2es5fjztqjcd4pwa0zyvaevtjd2y5w37wr9t) has name Frens (🤝,🤝) had most popularity between users redelegate their tokens and users who delegate their tokens. Frens (🤝,🤝) validator has 5% comission for delegate tokens so maybe one of the most important criteria for Osmo users who wants to stake their tokens.


    • For solve this question I use osmosis schema and fact_staking and fact_transactions table.