Question 31: Create a visualization comparing USDC, USDT, and UST (wormhole) popularity in swaps on Jupiter since December 1st (both in terms of count and amount - swaps from and swaps to).
This dashboard inspects the stablecoin (USDC, USDT, and UST) swaps on Jupiter since December 1st. The user is advised to click the colors / token groups in legend, especially the Other group as this is an artifact with no real sense. We have used the swaps table on Solana and filtered the data based on the three token contracts either from or to end. The swap data is shown as one-hour aggregates. Both the amounts and the transaction counts have been included. Please see the code at the bottom of the page. The main stablecoin that is used to swap tokens TO on Jupiter is the USDC by far with a rate of around 500 swaps/hour or more. The second stablecoin in terms of transaction rate is the USDT, however, we see that UST since mid-January has started to become increasingly more popular. We notice on Jan 28, 2022, at 2 am, a huge peak of tokens swapped to UST. Additionally, we see the February Solana downtime and a huge spike from Jan 19 to Jan 29.