lagandispenserDistribution of ALGO
    Updated 2022-06-14

    with account as (
    select distinct a.address,a.balance
    from algorand.account a
    left join algorand.account_app ap
    on a.address = ap.address
    where ( app_id is null
    or app_id <> '389002307' )
    and a.created_at between 18363444 and 18974008
    less_than_100 as (
    select 'less than 100',count(*)
    from account
    where balance < 100
    between_100_and_500 as (
    select 'between 100 and 500',count(*)
    from account
    where balance between 100 and 500
    between_500_and_1000 as (
    select 'between 500 and 1000',count(*)
    from account
    where balance between 500 and 1000
    between_1000_and_5000 as (
    select 'between 1000 and 5000',count(*)
    from account
    where balance between 1000 and 5000
    more_than_5000 as (
    select 'more than 5000',count(*)
    from account
    where balance > 5000
    Run a query to Download Data