
    Tables used: Ethereum_core.Fact_token_transfers & etherum_core.fact_transactions On Ethereum: (Corn) token address = '0x891Fde3771F8095E437754FC1A4aaD6937378491' (SOYA) token address = lower('0xb99c9E436a630202E40C90BA9B65dCB610200066') (Wheat) token address = lower('0x1D48257386165d44e303c579386c46089B2775F5') Blank Ethereum address (burning tokens) info = Eth GWei gas tracker = The gas fees are joines between the two mentioned tables via from address given a certain contract address, so I think the data is valid but I will re check. In order to meassure real user addresses when looking at the sender/reciever distibution charts, I recomend eliminating (by touching on the first 3 colored squares) the first three addresses, since the first is generally the contract address, the second it the blanck genesis address used for burning tokens, and the third is also a repeat between all charts, signaling its probably a company asset too. PS: This company also runs token transfers on Polygon and Algorand, so this would not be the whole picture: