FLOW Usage During the NBA Playoffs



    This Dashboard will be answering Q19: Analyze the NBA Conference Finals (May 17th- May 29th) and determine whether it had an impact on NBA Top Shot's volume.

    Did the Warriors, Celtics, Mavericks, or Heat see higher sales volume?


    For the creation of this dashboard the flow.core.fact_nft_sales and flow.core.dim_topshot_metadata tables were used.

    The NBA Conference Finals dates were (May 17th- May 29th)


    When looking at the general trend it deosnt seem that playoffs increased sales volume by to much, a slow downwards trend continues to exist. Yet when wee zoom in more closley to the playoff date we can see the general level does rise when compared to the inmediatley previous and subsequent dates.


    The main conlusions are the same as the expressed in tha last chart’s analysis.

    The general trend is still slowley decereasing in sales amount.

    If you look specifically into the imedialtey previous and following dates of the playoffs there is a rise in sales volume.

    This is much more pronunciated when looking at the playoff teams, which, with exeption of may 6th, had a larger volume increase during playoff than the rest of the team when comparing to the whole collection’s general trend.

    The Mavericks were the most popular team, followed by the two finallists and lastley Miami Heat, but not by a very large margin.


    This chart shows amount of sales exclusivley during the playoffs dates (May 17th to 29th).

    Curiosuley enough Dallas Maverics, which wasnt in the finals, had the most sales. Closley followed by the Golden State Warriors (Champions), runner up Boston Celtics, and finally Miami Heat with a 2k nft sales diference with the Maveriks.


    This chart shows NFT sales per day, by team.

    Around 15 days before and after playoffs were purposley included in the chart to see if there was a rise in sales for the four teams.

    There was a large spike on May 6th followed by a decrease in sales. During playoffs general level of sales for the playoff teams increased during the whole stage but not as much as on May 6th. The sales volume fell quite a bit for these teams after playoffs.

    The increase in sales for these teams during playoffs is much more noticeable than in the general trend.
