Flow - What makes a Top Shots moment valuable? (Part I)
Sales volume by type of play.
The most popular type of play seems to be Rims, followed by 3 pointers, Asists and theen Blocks.
This dashboard is answering bounty question “What makes a Top Shot Moment valuable (Part 1)”. Create an analysis on NBA Top Shots moments and attempt to uncover any correlations between a specific category and sales volume.
This week, focus specifically on the play_type column in the flow.core.dim_topshot_metadata table. What play_types do users hold most, and how much volume in sales do these play_types generate? Include any other transactional metrics you can think of.
Sales volume by team, 4 out of the top 6 teams with more sales volume are this years semi finalists, the second with most volume though is the non semi finalist L.A Lakers.
There seems to be a correlation between Play type and volume, people are more interested in Rims than they are interested in blockings for example. Trends also seem to change with asists having been as popular as 3 pointers at the beginig of the year and a lot less popular recently. Other relevant factors in determing the value (showcased vi volume) of a specific NFT are Teams and specific players. Magic Johnson and L.A Lakers are two very popular “traits” so when paired together they generate a lot of sales volume.
Daily sales volume, color coded by type of play.
Here its clear that, even without conisdering big spikes, 3 pointers and Rims are generally the most popular.
The two extra insights provided here are the fact that assists were originally as popular as the top 2 play types but seem to have fallen off (with exeption of the big spike on June 7th). And that for a period in late June, after playoffs 3 pointers have became more poular than rims, this tendency seems to have reverted once again recently.
The top chart shows players idividual sales volume by day, their general popularity in the market. While the left chart, shows the all time top 10 players by volume acumulation. When tied together with the top chart we can see the general trend and diferentiate isolated events that have to do with the play and not just the player.