NEAR Gas Guzzlers



    For the creation of this dashboard the flipside_prod_db.mdao_near.transactions table was used.

    Tx_Recievers was used as contracts since each NEAR account can only hold one smart contract.

    Fees expressed in NEAR, calculated from the given yoctoNEAR by dividing the raw fee/10^24 NEAR.

    more information on NEAR gas fees here:

    Some of the relevant Contract apps.

    Near crowd: , Aurora: , Ref Finance:



    This dashboard is answering the NEAR Gas Guzzlers bounty question: What contracts are users spending the most gas on to use? How has this changed over the past week? Past month?


    The top gas consuming contract is the ETH-NEAR brigde, Aurora, by far. This seems to be stable along the week, month, year. When looking a little bit deeper into the NEAR ecosystem wee find some other top gas conuming contracts like: X.Paras, NEAR price oracle, NearCrowd (very strong second) and Ref Finance. There is also some other relevant data, like NEAR Apps falling off in the recent gas cosnumption charts.


    Above we can see the contracts on which users consumed most gas (TOP 10) this week, month and year.

    Aurora is by far the most used (and gas consuming) contract. Its a smart contract platform that creates a bridge between Ethereum and NEAR.

    Looking at the rest of the contracts we can see that Nearcrowd app is number 2, it seems to have lost some of its proportional dominace this week, but has been a stable number 2 for the whole year, and even this month.

    If we disselect Aurora, we can see some other trends. Like how NEAR Price Oracle is rising (with a small yearly volume, but growth last month and a rise to number 3 for this week). Or X.Paras growth this month and week when compared to its yearly proportion. Zomland (NFT collection), has appeared and became relevant at least in this this month/week, it still hasnt accumulated enough gas consumption to appear on Yearly (it launched in late May). Or as a final example how V2 NEAR apps seems to have completlley fallen recently when compared to its yearly consumption, not apearing on the mothley and weekly charts.

    Of course this is measuring gas usage so, a fall or rise doesnt necesarily mean a growth in consumption (even though it generaly does), it coul mean the contract has optimized its gas usage somehow.

    For a better picure of the ecosystem I recomend looking at this top 10 first with Aurora selected and then diselected, especialy since its an ETH-Bridge.

    Built by NEAR Inc's core team (now Pagoda), Aurora is an Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) smart contract platform that creates a bridge between Ethereum and NEAR. An EVM, for those who don't know, is best thought of as a decentralized computer that allows anyone to create a smart contract on the Ethereum network.

    Here we can see its amount of daily transactions evolution, I thought this was relevant to include because the previous 2 charts show proportions and acumulated totals, but this (because its the top contract by far) shows a little more how activity has been on chain, and of course how activity has been for Aurora.

    Its notable that they had a rise of actividty near the Terra crash dates, later falling and now starting to recuperate once again. Since most projects had a fall in activity during the end of May, Aurora seemed to have it later. I think the recent recuperation is a general trend among most projects.