Open Analytics: Velodrome General Health
This dashboard will be answering the August 15th Open Analytic Bounty (Velodrome). “Submit any dashboard you think is worthy of being shared with our partners, and with the world. We’ll select the best for payment and amplification through our social and content channels.”
Velodrome is decentralized exchange running on Optimism L2 blockchain. Its an upgraded version of Solidly that used to run on phantom. Solidly´s innovation was Protocol emissions = fee generated, where stakeholder can become voters and used their voting power to direct emissions and fees. Some of the changes that were brought on in Velodrome include: Ensuring productive gauges, prolonged emission decay, white glove support and tying rewards to emissions.
The idea is to give a general overview of the Velodrome ecosystem.
The optimism.velodrome.ez_claimed_rewards, optimism.velodrome.ez_velo_locks, optimism.velodrome.ez_swap, optimism.velodrome.ez_votes tables were used for the creation of this dashboard.
Vote Count are amount of individual votes, while Vote Amount is the amount of voting power.
Volume charts are showing USD$ values.

The first thing I notice is that both charts have a very similar tendency, therefore there hasnt been a change in the amount of volume being deposited by transactions, if for example, people started making more deposits in smaller amounts we would see a rising spike in the transactions chart but stability in the volume chart. The fact that both charts trends are similar shows some stability in transaction size.
There seems to have been explosive growth since mid July, with a fall off in early August and recuperating levels this month, this applies both to amount of transactions and volume.
Extra insight can bee seen when looking into volume/transactions per user, this shows us what was mention previously, if each users transactions are becoming large or smaller and if each user is transacting more or less. If we compare Aug 10ths volume with Aug 18th we can see that there were a near amount of users transacting on that date, but the volume of these transactions were much higher on 10th (Avg 16k on 10th vs 9k on 18th).
The most relevant point to observe here are the differences among the top 3 of both charts. With OP-USD and VELO-USD pools switching number 1 and 2 sports in each chart. With the OP-USD pool amassing more votes but VELO-USD having more actual voting power allocated to it. VELO-OP is number 3 in vote count but only number 6 in voting power, that pool is surpassed in voting power by WETH-USD and USDC-sUSD which are directly under it in vote count.
Internal Bribe contract '0x242ac8f7182bc0ae8d92219385edb3293700ec3e' was removed from this querry.
This chart shows the top 10 accounts with more accumulated rewards claims, with the top 3 having: 1)666.211 2) 404.831 3)371.049
On the left we can see the amount of transactions where user lock their money in to be unlocked in each specific year, on the right we see the volume of USD$ that will become unlocked each year. The big contrast that can bee seen is that while most of the volume will become unlocked in some point of 2022, there were more transactions towards 2026, therefore there are more people willing to put ion smaller transactions for locking until 2026 while less but larger transactions are being locked in 2022. Another thing to mention is that 2023 is much more popular than 24 and 25, with 24 being double than 25, and levels in both volume and transactions rising explosively for the 2026 unlocking’s.
Finally this is a very simple chart, but shows that in general there are roughly6X more deposits than there are withdrawals showing project solidity and confidence.