Solana Dashboard 2

    A simple analysis of Solana transactions and the failed vs successful transactions.


    Aparently the whole transaction volume fell on April 9th, failed transactions that day where roughly 35% of all transactions. This is pretty much standard percentage, looking at dates like April 3rd,14th or 15th, which have similiar failed tranasaction percentege but with a higher transaction volume.

    Therefore, I dont think failed transactions to be a part of the issue regarding April 9th´s decrece in transactions.


    The first conclusion is that te Failed transaction/Total users ratio is very much inclined towards the first variable. On April 1st for example the average is 26 failed transactions per user. I would think bots executing transactions might be a reason why there are so many failed tx, yet I wouldnt no how to prove that yet.

    PS: Note that daily user does fluctuate quite a bit, it doesnt seem so due to the large volume of failed transactions, but if you look at the users collum numbers you can see the variations.